Tag Archives: new blogger

DIY: 2 different brush cleaners

4 Apr

Since I use makeup almost everyday I make my brushes got dirty so I need something to clean them. Here I will show 2 of my home made cleansers, one is for like… the ones I need to clean more often and the other one is for REALLY clean them, the saturday cleaning night.

1. Instant brush cleaner

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/2 cup of alcohol
  • 1 tbsp of dish cleaner or shampoo
  • 1 tbsp of hair conditioner

Mix everything together and put it into a spray bottle

2. Vinegar and dish water cleaner

  • 1 cup of water (preferably warm)
  • 1 tbsp of vinegar
  • 1 tbsp dish detergent

Mix everything up and dip in the brushes, then rinse them in the sink and voilá!