Tag Archives: skinny jeans

Turn Bell-bottoms into skinny jeans

15 Apr

I’ve always hated bell-bottoms but for some reason I have a few so I decided to turn one of them into skinny jeans. Here is the “photo tutorial” and some written instructions

  1. What you will need: Image
  2. Turn both of your jeans inside-out and place de skinny one on top of the bell-bottoms. Make sure the crotch line is lined upIMG_0873
  3. With a marker, pencil, pen, chalk; draw a line where the excess of fabric is. IMG_0874
  4. Sew on top of the line you just draw. (NOT with the sewing machine but with a needle. IMG_0875
  5. Turn the pair of jeans right-size out and try them on, if they fit you, continue to step 7, if they don’t; go back to steps 4 and 5 and make them a little bit bigger or smaller. IMG_0889
  6. Sew them with the sewing machine
  7. Cut the excess fabric

And Voilá!